Connecting the Pieces
About Julie

About Julie

Several years back, I remember telling an audience of women that three words Jesus spoke thousands of years ago had power over me today. The apostle Paul told the story of Jesus arriving at the home of Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, days after his death. At the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus commanded the voiceless, hidden, and lifeless body of Lazarus, “Lazarus, come forth”. I read a more personalized admonition: “Julie, come forth.”

Like Lazarus who came out with hands, feet and face bound in cloth, I also emerged from darkness having to unravel that which was keeping me bound up. My words—woven together into story today—are like a reweaving of all that has been unraveled. I can no longer be silent, invisible nor lifeless.

My stories are my connection with you and an invitation for you.

Connecting with you to…                     Invitation for you…
  • be known
  • be cared about
  • be understood
  • be trustworthy
  • be accepted
  • be loved
  • be valued
  • to know one another
  • to care about one another
  • to understand one another
  • to trust one another
  • to accept one another
  • to love one another
  • to value one another

Having participated in on-going life coach training over the past ten years, I am continuing to hone my coaching skills and grow through challenges along the way. The crucible of two-years with an intensive Townsend Leadership Group strengthened and modeled  healing and growth within relationship. I bring coaching skills and group processing experiences to other groups and individuals to promote the building up of one another.

If you too want to come forth with a clear voice, a defined presence, and to purposefully engage in vibrant living, keep reading along with the rest of us. And if you want help with starting your own group, contact me and we’ll go from there.